If risotto is especially known as an Italian specialty, today, we are going to prepare it according to Thai chicken recipes. So, for now we are going to elaborate a risotto as a Thai chicken recipe. You can serve this Thai chicken risotto for dinner during hot seasons and as a lunch during cold and rainy weather. However, you can have it at any time if you like the smoothness of creamy chicken with Arborio rice. It is all about delicacies and taste! Else, we are going to have a recipe for 6 persons so you are free to adjust the needed ingredients according to the number of persons to whom you will serve this risotto. For this recipe, we have some special ingredients used by Thai for chicken recipes, such as Thai red curry paste or fish sauce; you will find them at Asian food shops.
As we are talking about Thai for chicken, the first needed ingredient is 500 grams of trimmed skinless chicken breast or thigh fillets. If you are preparing the chicken on your own, you can use the part of the chicken that pleases you. Else, as we are talking about chicken risotto, we are going to use 330 grams of Arborio rice and to make a creamy chicken risotto we will have 1 cup of coconut cream. For some Thai chicken recipes 2 cups of coconut cream are necessary to realize the same recipe for the same number of serving so you are free to do the same if you have no diet recommendations. Then, we are also going to have: 1 tablespoon of peanut oil, a finely chopped onion, a thinly sliced red chili free from its seeds, 2 crushed garlic gloves, 4 finely shredded kaffir lime leaves, 75 grams of Thai red curry paste, 500 ml of chicken stock, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 200 grams of chopped green beans, coriander sprigs, and Asian shallots. These are all the ingredients that we need to realize this Thai chicken recipe.
To begin with, you have to preheat the oven to 180° C. It is important to complete this step before every preparation. Then, take an ovenproof pan to heat your peanut oil over medium-high heat, add chicken and let it turn to light brown before stopping the fire. It will take around 4 minutes to be browned. After that, remove the pieces of chicken and reserve them on a plate. Now, use the same flameproof pan with a medium heat fire and add onion, chili, garlic and kaffir lime leaves; cook for 3 minutes. Toss the Arborio rice and the curry paste into the pan and stir for one minute. All of these being done, you can return the brown pieces of chicken to the pan and add the 125 ml of chicken stock so that it will be brought to simmer. Cover your ovenproof pan and continue the cooking in the oven for 25 minutes. You will see that the cooking liquid will be absorbed if not totally. Now, remove your pan from the oven and add the coconut cream, the fish sauce and the beans, stir the mixture well and let it stand for 10 minutes. During that time you can prepare the coriander leaves and the fried Asian shallots needed for the serving. Dispose the serving plates and after the 10 minutes you are ready to serve. Enjoy!
This recipe of chicken risotto was elaborated from Thai cooking recipes. Precisely, this is a recipe of creamy risotto prepared with Arborio rice, diced chicken fillets and coconut cream; cooked on fire and on the oven with an ovenproof pan. You will have authentic Thai ingredients in this recipe so that you are advised to look for them at Asian food shops. However, the rest of the ingredients are easy to find and are familiar to all level of cookers. Through this recipe, you are going to have two parts: the first part is all about instructions for ingredients and the second part gives you the steps to follow for the coking and the serving. In order to make you comfortable, this recipe is given as a real time experience explanation. In short, all the instructions needed to succeed in cooking Thai Chicken Risotto are given to you within this recipe.
As we are talking about Thai for chicken, the first needed ingredient is 500 grams of trimmed skinless chicken breast or thigh fillets. If you are preparing the chicken on your own, you can use the part of the chicken that pleases you. Else, as we are talking about chicken risotto, we are going to use 330 grams of Arborio rice and to make a creamy chicken risotto we will have 1 cup of coconut cream. For some Thai chicken recipes 2 cups of coconut cream are necessary to realize the same recipe for the same number of serving so you are free to do the same if you have no diet recommendations. Then, we are also going to have: 1 tablespoon of peanut oil, a finely chopped onion, a thinly sliced red chili free from its seeds, 2 crushed garlic gloves, 4 finely shredded kaffir lime leaves, 75 grams of Thai red curry paste, 500 ml of chicken stock, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 200 grams of chopped green beans, coriander sprigs, and Asian shallots. These are all the ingredients that we need to realize this Thai chicken recipe.
To begin with, you have to preheat the oven to 180° C. It is important to complete this step before every preparation. Then, take an ovenproof pan to heat your peanut oil over medium-high heat, add chicken and let it turn to light brown before stopping the fire. It will take around 4 minutes to be browned. After that, remove the pieces of chicken and reserve them on a plate. Now, use the same flameproof pan with a medium heat fire and add onion, chili, garlic and kaffir lime leaves; cook for 3 minutes. Toss the Arborio rice and the curry paste into the pan and stir for one minute. All of these being done, you can return the brown pieces of chicken to the pan and add the 125 ml of chicken stock so that it will be brought to simmer. Cover your ovenproof pan and continue the cooking in the oven for 25 minutes. You will see that the cooking liquid will be absorbed if not totally. Now, remove your pan from the oven and add the coconut cream, the fish sauce and the beans, stir the mixture well and let it stand for 10 minutes. During that time you can prepare the coriander leaves and the fried Asian shallots needed for the serving. Dispose the serving plates and after the 10 minutes you are ready to serve. Enjoy!
This recipe of chicken risotto was elaborated from Thai cooking recipes. Precisely, this is a recipe of creamy risotto prepared with Arborio rice, diced chicken fillets and coconut cream; cooked on fire and on the oven with an ovenproof pan. You will have authentic Thai ingredients in this recipe so that you are advised to look for them at Asian food shops. However, the rest of the ingredients are easy to find and are familiar to all level of cookers. Through this recipe, you are going to have two parts: the first part is all about instructions for ingredients and the second part gives you the steps to follow for the coking and the serving. In order to make you comfortable, this recipe is given as a real time experience explanation. In short, all the instructions needed to succeed in cooking Thai Chicken Risotto are given to you within this recipe.